Our Philosophy

When it comes to teaching, SWCCA understands the importance of involving families with their child’s developmental milestones and accomplishments.  When new skills are introduced or reinforced, having you, your child, and their teachers work together makes learning easy and fun. Using this streamlined approach to learning and keeping a close connection between home and school, SWCCA ensures each child enrolled receives the individual guidance they deserve.

Beginning with the youngest learner to the pre-adolescent child, SWCCA encourages 
self-discovery. Our classrooms include developmentally appropriate learning centers, which are designed using our unique Curriculum Based Enrichments. These enrichments are introduced and explored within each lesson, helping your child make concrete connections through play.

Our teachers know that kids are naturally curious, so why not encourage this curiosity in a secure and educational environment. Guiding each child, while using individual learning levels, creates the foundation needed to develop skills used in higher order thinking.